Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 1:

In my Jay-Z voice>>>allow me to re-introduce myself, my name is JOV...J-to the O-V...ok ok, enough of that foolishness.

*Jovan drops mic and gets serious...Welcome to the first installment of my 30 Day Blog Challenge.

Day 1: Introduce Yourself.

*extends hand

Hello, my name is Jovan Renee White...I'm 25 years old...mother of a 3 year old...work for a living (that's all you need to know about the job situation right now) ...I'm a Leo...I like long walks on the beach and strawberry daiquiris...I love the Lord(we'll get into this later too).

In a nutshell, I like my life right now. Yea, I LIKE it right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be alive and all that. I'm definitely not complaining, but there are alot of things I would change or improve if I had the ability to just snap my fingers and make them happen. The first being my money situation. All I need is one winning lottery ticket. I'm not greedy, I only need one. I get so tired of hearing people say "money can't buy you happiness"...YES IT CAN!!! I don't gibbadam what "people" say...money would make me very happy right now. Anywho, i'm gettin' way off my point right now...let's get back to business. The second thing I would change...I'm not really sure right now. Normally, I would say the love life, but right now i'm in a good place wit' all that. I don't really have a permanent boo, but I have been hanging out with one person in particular and he makes me happy. And right now, that's more than enough for me. KEYWORD: right now. This could most definitely change tomorrow or the next day. But right now I'm enjoying the ability to explore my options that comes along with being single.

Ok what's next? What kind of person am I? As far as this blog is concerned, I'm extremely outspoken. I will say things on here that I wouldn't dare say in real life. I'm a shy and introverted person in real life. I care about me, myself, and I. You can say i'm selfish, that wouldn't be an untrue statement. I mean, who isn't? If I had to make a decision between me and you...of course i'd choose me!! DUH!! But if there was a way I could save us both, I'd give it a shot. No guarantees though. I like to talk about me. If the conversation is about me, I'm happy. If the conversation isn't about me, I'm happy, but not as happy as I would be if the conversation was focused on me. Follow me? Good! Basically, I like me and it would benefit you greatly to feel the same way, but if you don't it's all good. Let's press on.

I'm not really sure what else I can say to introduce myself to you anymore...so let's wrap this thang on up.

Let's review what we've learned today:

  • My name is Jovan
  • I'm 25
  • I have a 3 year old
  • I work
  • I like my life
  • I'm a selfish beeyotch (yea, I can admit it)

    That about covers the introduction part. Tomorrow's topic: Your First Love (ooohhh, this should be interesting)

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