Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Am Ready For Love...Or Am I

This song makes me feel some kinda way...

The following statement is completely, utterly, ridiculously sad...but it's also true: I am 26 years old and I have yet to have a meaningful relationship. Sure enough I've dated/been involved with a few dudes, but most of them were so wack and dry that I don't even consider them relationships. But now that I'm getting older (NOT old, but older) I feel like I'm ready to experience all the highs and navigate my way around the lows of a relationship. Why do I feel like I'm ready? Honestly because I have watched the people that I'm close to attempt and often times fail at their relationships and I believe that I've learned a lot from their mistakes. I've watched their seemingly happy relationships end over jealousy, cheating, arguments over minimal bullshit, and many other reasons and I've been given a crash course on what NOT to do in a relationship.

So, to all my single people: Do you feel like you're ready for Mr./Mrs. Right? If so, How do you know?

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