Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What's Up Wednesday

It's time again for another edition of What's Up Wednesday. This week is dedicated to the unbearable heat.

What's up with this hideous heat? I believe that we must truly be effin' up and God is NOT pleased with us...at all. He's giving us a taste of that "Hell Heat", and if this is how it's gonna be, I want no parts of that. People out there having heat strokes and sweatin' they asses off and what not, and we can't be having folk walkin' 'round here wit' no asses. We gotta get this global warming thing under control.

Here are some funny "It's hotter than...." quotes:

*It's hotter than a drip of sweat sliding off Satan's balls.

*It's hotter than a $10 X-Box from a crackhead.

*It's hotter than a clearance sale at Body Shop on check day.

*It's hotter than a pedophile at the splash pad in Malbis.

*It's hotter than a goats ass crack on the wrong side of the barn.

*It's hotter than a snakes ass on a Foreman grill.

*It's hotter than a prostitutes ass on a nasty leather couch.

*It's hotter than a salmon sun bathing on a whale's backside.

*It's hotter than a broke bitches food stamp card on re-up day.

*It's hotter than a round body Caprice with a no keyhole in the trunk.

OK.....I think I'm done.

Shout out to all the city/county/state workers that are outside in the heat keeping this place looking good. Shout out to the grandsons out there cutting their grandmama's yards. Shout out to the crackheads out in the blazing heat looking for a score and giving us something to laugh at. Where would we be without all of you? Thanks for everything!!

Parents please keep your children hydrated with water. It does wonders for their skin. Soda and juice aren't the only liquids in the world.

That is all...'til next week.

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