Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ms. Celie Mad!!

Anybody who knows me knows that one of my favorite movies of all time is "The Color Purple". I've seen the movie hundreds of times, and I loved it's characters so much that I eventually read the book. Although I loved the entire movie from the beginning titles to the end credits, sometimes when it comes on I only watch for this particular scene.

Let me explain...the reason I love this scene is because it was the moment in the movie when Celie realized that she could release everything she had gone through and start over. And in doing that, it started a chain reaction with the other women at the table. A depressed Sophia was awakened and became her normal, bubbly self again. And Mary Agnes AKA "Shug" realized that she was following in the same footsteps as Celie by being tied down to Harpo and that she could be happy without him and she decided to follow her dreams.

Moments of empowerment like this between women are virtually non-existent today. When we see another woman doing bad, instead of helping her, we look down on her and talk about her when we SHOULD be doing all we can to help her. Or, when we see another woman doing better than we are, instead of drawing from her success and being inspired to be better, we find negatives within her in order to knock her down from her pedestal. Saying things like, "Oh, she think she the shit. She got that good job, nice house, fine ass husband, and cute kids, but....." There's always a "but". Why can't another woman just have her shit together and we be happy for her. Why must we shoot daggers and say any and everything possible to bring her down and insinuate that she hasn't honestly earned everything good that has happened for her. Basically ladies, DO BETTER!!

Another reason I love, love, LOVE this scene is because of the stomp down hilarious cussin' out Celie put on Mister. My favorite line is, "DID I EVER ASK YOU FOR ANYTHING!!! I never asked you for anything, not even yo' sorry ass hand in marriage!!" Tomorrow when I go to work, the first person that asks me something, no matter what it is, I'm gonna get "Ms. Celie Mad" on 'em. It's gonna go a lil' something like this.

ME: Good morning.

CO-WORKER: Hey, Jovan. Do you know what time ___________comes in today?

ME: DID I EVER ASK YOU FOR ANYTHING!!! I never asked you for anything, not even yo' sorry ass hand in marriage!!

They gone be confused like a muhfucka!!

*If somebody pisses you off at work tomorrow, just get "Ms. Celie Mad" on they ass...DID I EVER ASK YOU FOR ANYTHING!!!

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