Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Periods and Point Blanks: First Edition

*This is the first installment in what I am sure will be an ongoing series. In the "Periods and Point Blanks" series, I will give a list of statements that require no argument. They need no explanation. There's no need to go back and forth about why they are true or untrue or how they can be looked at differently. They are the simply and plainly the truth....point blank, period!!

-If a man doesn't need a lawyer to leave you, you are NOT his wife. He doesn't owe you shit!!

-fucking a man will not make him wife you up. (this one has been studied and proven, by many)

-all black people do not wear Baby Phat. (some of that shit is TACKY!!)

-people who need constant reassurance of their good qualities are insecure, and nothing is more annoying than an insecure person. (yes, your hair is cute...SHUT THE FUCK UP!!)

-arrogant is the new confident.

-there is a special corner in the pocket of hell for men who don't take care of their children.

-there is a special corner in the pocket of hell for women who marry men who don't take care of their children.

-it takes alot of energy to put up a front all the time.

Most definitely to be continued.

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